Posted by: SDGIS | August 20, 2012

FEMA Flood Maps in Local News

The Turko files is a civic and consumer watchdog segment run on San Diego’s KUSI. Recently they published a series of stories about errors in FEMA flood maps which support the National Flood Insurance Program.  The coverage includes both the facts and a large dose of snark. They are certainly worth a watch.

Just Plain Clueless!

An Uphill Battle!

Flood Zone!

One Huge Headache!

In Your Corner!

The Maps Are Wrong!


  1. Same situation in LA. A condo adjacent to a concrete flood channel is in flood zone, according to FEMA map. KCET PBS report says LA maps known to be in error. Only recourse I have is to pay surveyor $1000 to fix map for my condo only. There are 10 adjoining condos facing same flood channel, not paying flood insurance. I’m fighting the need to pay for anything required to fix a map error that FEMA made. It is tough sledding.

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